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Hedgehog radio-transmitters

We just had a paper published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin.  The article offers a new, effective, and safe way of attaching radio-transmitters to hedgehogs.  Below are article details:

Reading, R., D. Kenny, J. Murdoch, and S. Batdorj.  2016.  Use of dental restorative temporization material for attaching radiotransmitters to hedgehogs.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:355-358.  DOI: 10.1002/wsb.655.

Abstract -- Use of glues and acrylics to attach radiotransmitters to small mammals may pose a threat to the animals and researchers by generating heat and adhering to skin. We tested the feasibility of attaching radiotransmitters on 2 hedgehog species (Daurian [Mesechinus dauuricus] and long-eared [Hemiechinus auritus]) in Mongolia using a restorative dental composite material (ProtempTM 3 GarantTM Temporization Material). The composite is less toxic than glues and acrylics typically used to attach transmitters to hedgehogs, generates almost no heat during catalyzation, and does not bind to skin. Human dentistry uses this material for temporary restoration of crowns and bridges. We applied 73 transmitters to 34 Daurian and 26 long-eared hedgehogs using this material from 2005 to 2014 without signs of adverse effects. This safe, easy to use, and relatively inexpensive composite did not degrade despite being deployed for several months to >4 years in highly variable environmental conditions. Hedgehogs periodically shed their quills and we discovered some transmitters in sheds from study animals. We believe this dental acrylic provides a safer and effective alternative to common epoxies for attaching transmitters to hedgehogs.